10/20/2016 / By holisticdentistry
My sister handled my oral health needs when she was in Denver for dental school. I was lucky then. She’s a prosthadontist in Singapore now. Flying across the Pacific Ocean for a family hookup wouldn’t exactly save me money. Fortunately, my new guy is a bona fide kick in the teeth. When I recently noticed sensitivity between two of my molars, I called the office of a man who’d just moved his practice from Colorado Springs to Glendale wellness complex Thrive. His name is Dr. John Augspurger. And I’ve never been more thrilled to be drilled.
Article by George Peele
Augspurger bills himself as a biological dentist, or “biodentist” for short. One might also refer to him as naturopathic or holistic. Whereas most oral health professionals focus purely on immediate symptoms, with zero regard for the overall condition of the mouth in which they arose, Augspurger is noticeably different. “The basis of biological/holistic dentistry is that everything in your body is connected to everything else. Our bodies run as intricate, coordinated systems. When we are healthy, our bodies are much more resistant to dental disease. And conversely, when we’re unhealthy, we’re more prone to disease and dental disease is just one of them. A biological dentist works with YOU to improve everything in the body by improving your teeth—specifically the microcirculation, lymphatic function, blood flow, oxygenation, and the health of the bone and supportive structures.”
“Our primary approach is aimed specifically at connecting the dots with the rest of the body and looking beyond the traditional ‘one tooth’ approach as we improve your dental health, and thus your overall health. And, we always opt for the least invasive and least toxic methods of diagnosis and treatment. All that combined with the latest technology, most up-to-date training, modern facility, and a doctor and staff that are caring and loyal.”
Dr. John’s Biodentist office is located at 455 S. Hudson, inside Thrive Integrated Health. For further information, log onto Biodentist.com
Read more at: 303magazine.com
Tagged Under: BioDentistry, John Augspurger