Dental Great, Melvin Page

Melvin Page wanted to know why his patients’ teeth deteriorated. Dr. Page utilized the work of Weston Price, and took it one step further: he analyzed their blood chemistry.

(Article by CureToothDecay)

In thousands of blood tests, Dr. Page discovered that tooth decay would stay in check, when there was a precise ratio of calcium to phosphorus in the blood.


Calcium to Phosphorus
10 to 4

Blood Sugar

Melvin Page was the author of many books including:

Degeneration, Regeneration by Melvin E. Page
Your Body Is Your Best Doctor: Formerly, Health Versus Disease, by Melvin E. Page and H. Leon Abrams Jr.

Page’s Fundamental Food Plan

Here are three links with the same information:

Best Melvin Page Food Plan PDF Link

Food Plan Link 1

Food Plan Link 2

Melvin Page Key Findings

  • The harmful effects of the use of white sugar and refined carbohydrates can’t be ignored.
  • The harmful effects of using chemical additives and other food preservatives for the sake of “shelf life” upset body chemistry.
  • Using whole food vitamins concentrates, minerals and digestive enzymes to supplement daily food intake might be necessary.

Melvin Page On Trial

In the 1960s Melvin Page found himself and his method of practice on trial when the federal government charged him with practicing medicine outside of his scope. During a lengthy trial Dr. Page introduced over 3600 case studies and was able to substantiate his findings with over 40,000 blood tests as well as 35 years of research – a federal judge found him not guilty. The judge went on to reprimand the American Medical Association and the FDA for not trying to figure out what he was doing rather than harassing him.

Anthropometrics, The Cutting Edge of Dentistry

Melvin Page used a system of body measurements and glandular supplements to restore body chemistry back to normal. This is an outstanding achievement, which has largely gone unused.

The future of dentistry could combine Dr. Page’s anthropometric supplementation, with Dr. Price’s nutrient dense diet protocol, creating a superb method for building overall health and strong teeth.

There is one upcoming book on Dr. Page’s blood chemistry system. So far, his system is almost entirely forgotten except for a few dentists and doctors.

Until more dentists and doctors use anthropometrics, we can still successfully balance our blood chemistry through a careful diet. Also modern systems can offer similar types of diagnoses, such as electrical testing, or applied kinesiology. The question is then how these imbalances are treated.

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