Try Ayurvedic oil pulling for better teeth

Oil pulling has been done for thousands of years to promote strong, healthy teeth and fresh breath. Though its recent claims to fame may make it seem “new” – it surely is not. It’s a time-tested tradition that finds its roots in Ayurvedic medicine.

How do you oil-pull? By swishing about a tablespoon or so of coconut oil in your mouth for about 20 minutes. Make sure to spit it out in the garbage afterward, and do not swallow it.

Thereafter, commence your regular tooth brushing, and give your mouth a nice rinse. Don’t forget to clean your toothbrush at least once a day with some hydrogen peroxide, so you don’t transfer bacteria back into your mouth.

So, how does it work? Well, for one – using oil instead of a harsh mouthwash is much gentler on your teeth. It doesn’t eat away at your tooth enamel. Coconut oil is also a known antimicrobial, so it helps reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth, thereby preventing cavities and promoting fresh breath. Coconut oil also pulls toxins and stains out of your teeth. This keeps teeth healthy, strong and pearly white.

Oil pulling isn’t just a trend – it’s a proven practice that really works.


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