Is your toothpaste toxic?

That “perfect smile” may be costing you your health. Many of the chemicals used in conventional dentistry products contain toxins that can lead to cancer, brain damage and much more. Fluoride, the most popular ingredient in tooth-related products, is a known neurotoxin and it induces bone loss! And we use this to brush our teeth?

Fluoride isn’t even essential to human health, nor is it a nutrient. To paint a clearer picture: on the scale of toxicity, it lands somewhere between lead and arsenic. Not anything you need. It’s shown to increase the likelihood of thyroid disorders and weakened bones – and it eats through the protective enamel on your teeth.

Why would manufacturers continue to put a known toxin in their products? To be blunt, they don’t care. They care about profits, and the belief that fluoride is good for our teeth and our bodies is a seed that’s been deeply planted.


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