Stop gum pain and tooth decay with sustainable dentistry

Your gum pain and tooth decay could be caused by poor dentistry. Think about it – the “modern” dentist puts toxic mercury fillings inside of us; life-threatening material in our root canal and advocates the use of fluoride – which eats away at our brain function and weakens our bone structure. Does this sound like good healthcare to you? Fortunately, there is a better way to save your teeth.

Don’t become a negative statistic of conventional dentistry! There are many (natural) therapies available to reverse gum disease and tooth decay. Discover the untold truth about proper oral hygiene; ways to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer plus much more. The next NaturalNews Talk Hour will literally save you thousands of dollars in unnecessary procedures and years of health-related problems.

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Sustainable dentistry integrates the best of conventional dental care with traditional healing practices to promote overall health and wellness. Keep in mind, oral health is literally the “gateway” to your overall body health. Simply put, an unhealthy mouth leads to infection, inflammation and, eventually, chronic diseases like, heart disease and cancer.

What would motivate you to seek out a sustainable dentist?

Conventionally speaking, most people with gum disease are told to see a gum surgeon and “take care” of the problem. But, a sustainable dentist provides a non-surgical approach to treating gum disease. You’ll discover how to activate your body’s ability to heal itself by reducing inflammation; killing off unfriendly bacteria in the mouth plus natural ways to nourish the gums back to health.

“Most dentists are entirely unaware of either the contents of the dental materials they implant or the potential consequences of those materials after they get into your mouth.” – Hal Huggins, D.D.S., MS

The connection between gum disease and chronic degenerative disease

Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General says, “gum disease has been linked to numerous life-threatening diseases including stokes, diabetes and heart disease”. But, keep in mind, your teeth are designed to last a lifetime – it’s just gum disease that causes you to lose your teeth. So, the big question is how to prevent gum disease?

Most people have been taught to rely on a tooth brush and dental floss to maintain a healthy mouth. Unfortunately, this is not enough to clear away the “unfriendly” bacteria growing underneath the gum line – which causes periodontal disease. One of the best ways to clean your teeth; remove unwanted plaque and flush toxic bacteria from your mouth is to use a “Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator”.

On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour – we’ll reveal what your (conventionally-trained) dentist has not told you about proper oral healthcare; how to reverse gum disease plus much more!

This week’s guest: Reid Winick, D.D.S., Founder of Dentistry for Health New York

Discover a natural way to save your teeth and reverse gum disease – Thu. Dec. 20

Reid Winick, D.D.S. is a graduate of New York University College of Dentistry. He has extensive experience in General Dentistry, as well as the Oral Systemic Link and in TMJ Dysfunction and Craniofacial Disorders. Dr. Winick is the founder and president of Dentistry for Health New York, a green and sustainable dental practice designed as a haven for overall wellness. He is committed to the environment and to the health and wellness of his patients’ mind, body, and spirit.

Dr. Winick’s whole body program of Sustainable Dentistry treats the patient as a human ecosystem. With the right conditions, the mouth can heal on its own and remain disease free. Patients throughout the United States seek out Dr. Winick and his personalized treatment programs regarding sustainable dental treatments in order to save their teeth without painful gum surgery and extractions.

Don’t become a negative statistic of conventional dentistry! There are many (natural) therapies available to reverse gum disease and save your teeth. Discover the untold truth about proper oral hygiene; ways to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer plus much more. The next NaturalNews Talk Hour will literally save you thousands of dollars in unnecessary procedures and years of health-related problems.

Visit: and enter your email address for free show details.

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